I've opened up 3 spots in August to join the 'Create Your Lush Life' Program - apply here
By being a member of the “Creative Council” Group (by whatever name it may be known, referred to as the “Group”) we subscribe to the Group’s Mission Statement and Values set out in the document entitled “Mission Statement and Values”.
By being a member of the Group, we agree to the Code of Ethics and Standards (“Code”) set out in this document. The Code contains guidelines for our dealings with each other, our clients and the world. We agree to honour the Code in relation to the Group and its members even after we cease to be a member of the Group.
The Code is a voluntary statement of intent to promote clarity and cohesion between members of the Group, in service to the Group, its members and our clients. “All for One and One for All”.
The Code is founded on the principles of Truth, Love and Wisdom and Service. These principles underpin every paragraph in the Code and any ambiguity or disagreement about the Code’s meaning is to be determined by reference to these principles.
“Nurture our garden”
(i) We intend to collaborate with each other where possible and appropriate
(ii) When seeking collaboration, we proactively choose collaboration with other members of the Group, subject to paragraph 6.
“We don’t slag each other off”
“What happens in the Group stays in the Group”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
(i) Members of the Group shall at all times conduct themselves in an honourable and courteous manner with other members, their clients and colleagues.
(ii) In all communications between members, we are ‘real’, naming the shadow, but not taking things personally, we listen, we assume positive intent, and we are grounded in truth.
(iii) We use direct communication.
(iv) We are impeccable with our word
(v) We make no assumptions
(vi) We always do our best
(vii) We avoid colluding
(viii) We don’t expect each other to be perfect, but we do expect other members to call us out on our dysfunction and they can expect that we listen when they do call us out.
(ix) We agree to be transparent about our collaborations, without compromising our commitment to confidentiality referred to in clause 3.
“Share but don’t steal”
(i) We collaborate and freely share our experience, ideas, tools and techniques (“Resources”) and our wisdom with each other for our mutual benefit and the benefit of our clients. We agree that we shall not claim the Resources of another member (“creating member”) as our own, nor shall we disseminate them to a wider audience (aka don’t write a book about it!).
(ii) If we wish to use Resources we shall:
(a) obtain the express consent of the creating member who introduced those Resources to the Group or to any of its members and
(b) fairly compensate the creating member for the use of their Resources, to the extent reasonably requested by the creating member
(c) credit the creating member or, as appropriate, the relevant third party creator of Resources, as the author or owner of those Resources.
(iii) We wish to honour the integrity of the Resources as serving the creative process and/or the development of consciousness. To that end, the Resources are proven resources that we have learned and assimilated into our own life/practice, not just intellectual ideas or concepts.
(iv) We acknowledge that universal wisdom and concepts cannot be copyrighted and that these can be shared freely.
“Do the right thing”
At all times the actions of the members are to be in service to the best interests of our clients
“Don’t pimp my tribe”
(i) It is unethical for any member to directly pitch to or encourage clients of any other member (“existing coach”) to transfer their patronage to a different member or to a coach/ practitioner outside the Group without the knowledge and consent of the existing coach.
(ii) We acknowledge that a member may attract, through their own general and indirect advertising and marketing efforts, potential or actual clients being served by an existing coach. It is good practice for a member to alert the Group of any such marketing efforts which could reasonably be expected to lead to such attraction.
(iii) It is good practice to encourage potential or actual clients who already have an existing coach to explore with the existing coach what is true for the client.
(iv) We acknowledge that clients of any members are free to transfer their patronage to any other member they may choose at any time.
If in doubt, refer to paragraph 6!
“Share and share alike”
We honour and support the other members in their businesses by sharing links to their events, projects and products. Whether or not to share is at each member’s discretion and without any compulsion to do so.
“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours☺”
In collaborating with members, we recognize that each collaborator has a valuable contribution to make. It is for each collaborating member to discuss and agree appropriate payment, reward or compensation in respect of contributions made.
“Cream rises to the top”
(i) We conduct ourselves at all times in a spirit of excellence and hold ourselves to a standard of excellence.
(ii) We walk our talk.
(iii) We do what we say we’ll do.
(iv) We use premises that support the creative orientation.
(v) We actively pursue our own ongoing development and growth. We choose to receive training and support from people who practise the creative orientation.
(vi) At all times we uphold the best interests of our clients.
(vii) Decisions that impact the whole Group are made by the whole Group from a higher level of synergy.
(viii) We consistently act from an attitude of service to each other
(ix) We maintain integrity at all times
(x) We recognize the power in vulnerability and we encourage asking the Group or other members for help
(xi) We hold ourselves and each other accountable for creating our end results
“Keep it in your trousers (pants!)”
(i) We recognize that in a training, coaching or retreat environment, participants in a transformational structure are vulnerable to mental and emotional shifts. They are also at risk of seeking to resolve their tension dysfunctionally.
(ii) It is inappropriate and unacceptable for members and/or their teams to engage in any sexual liaison with participants during and/or immediately following such training or retreat, by whomever it is initiated. At all times the best interests of the participants must be served.
(iii) For this purpose, ‘sexual liaison’ includes (but is not limited to) flirtation, ‘grooming’ (i.e. laying the foundation for later), inappropriate touching and actions of a sexual nature or intent.
(iv) In the pursuit of impeccability, integrity and trust, and in service to the best interests of the client, if a member is in an intimate relationship with or has sexual liaisons with his/her coaching client, it is inappropriate for that member to continue as that client’s coach. The member must step down as that client’s coach and hand over the coaching role to another member of the client’s choice.
(v) If a client who is in a coaching/mentoring relationship with a member (“coaching member”) is involved in an intimate relationship with another member (“personal member”) while the coaching continues, the personal member shall disclose to the coaching member the existence of the intimate relationship
“Avoid Undue Influence”
(vi) Members should hold the space for participants in a transformational structure but not get personally involved within that space, with the intention of maintaining a certain degree of emotional and physical separation between themselves (and their teams) and participants, so as to allow participants to have a full and unimpeded transformational experience
(vii) If a member suspects that any client or participant has severe mental health issues or has suicidal tendencies, the member has a duty to inform the facilitator (in the case of an event), seek help/support from their coach or relevant professionals.
(viii) In pursuit of Clause 4(i) members should refrain from contradicting or criticizing other members, their work or their judgment to clients or participants. Any concerns should be raised respectfully, privately and directly with the members involved.
“Take it to the higher”
(i) We commit to helping each other through personal group-related conflicts with the intention of supporting each other to rise out of ego.
(ii) Any members in dispute with each other shall first attempt to resolve such dispute by using a ‘conflict with integrity’ process. In the event that the dispute continues, it shall be brought to the whole Group, or an appointed mediator, for determination. In the first instance the appointed mediator shall be Ellen Coomber.
“The final countdown - aka Don’t be an Ass”
We recognize that we are imperfectly human. We also wish to hold each other to the highest standards of performance and conduct.
(i) If a member (“offending member”) fails to abide by (“breach”) the ‘spirit’ of the Code, any other member (“complainant”) shall first bring the suspected breach to the offending member’s attention.
(ii) The offending member shall have regard to the complaint and take appropriate remedial action.
(iii) If the complainant remains concerned about a breach, the complainant shall summon a meeting of the whole Group to assess the breach.
(iv) If the offending member disagrees with the complaint, the offending member shall summon a meeting of the whole Group to assess the complaint.
(v) The Group shall decide in each case what is the appropriate action or sanction to take in relation to the complaint and/or the breach
(vi) The ultimate sanction is that the member can be removed from the Group. In serious cases, legal proceedings may be considered.
“No cuffs here!”
(i) We operate within the law
(ii) We comply with any legal requirement or regulations that may affect the Group or its members.
(iii) .....